I have had PD for ten years and have done very well...thankfully. I take my meds, as well as a number of others for diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. (I have what I believe to be one of the largest daily pill holders known to man/womankind.) At 62 and ten years in, I feel fortunate, but still have days I want to hide under a table or desk, assume the fetal position, and suck my thumb. I allow a bit of serious wallowing, but not for long, and then it is time to get up and get on with life.
My question to those of you in the forum is: Do you experience low back pain/inflexibility when you get out of bed in the morning? I can't find any resources about these other than vague ones related to inflexibility. Also, when I sit and watch tv or chat and when I ride/drive for even fifteen minutes, I have a little difficulty getting up and even more getting out of the car.
I am aware that it "could" be my age contributing to this and also know I need to get into some sort of exercise class and/or walk. It seems somewhat like that thing about "the cure will kill you." It is very hard to do anything physical when it hurts, but doing something physical does seem to help.
Thoughts? Ideas? Comments? Suggestions?