Hello All,
I am a graduate student working with the edgelab research partnership, which is a strategic alliance between GE and the University of Connecticut. Our project involves patients or potential patients and their caregivers and we’re currently reaching out to groups of people in the area to get a better understanding of their perspective on medical diagnostic tools for neurological movement disorders, including Parkinsonian Syndrome.
We are conducting market analysis with GE Healthcare for a diagnostic tool that has the potential to enhance the diagnosis of some of these disorders.
The perspectives of primary care patients or potential patients and their caregivers are critical to the adoption and success of this tool. If it’s possible, we would like primary care physicians to click on the following link to conduct a quick survey to fill out online.
Thank you in advance for any support!
Nick Polomoff
Please contact the administrator for approval before posting surveys. I will remove your contact information until you have received approval. Thank you.
6. No posts regarding research studies, surveys or clinical trials without obtaining prior approval from the forum administrator before posting to the forums.
Post Edited By Moderator (Judy2) : 4/6/2010 4:40:40 PM (GMT-6)