Some drs. have said my mother has Parkinson's, some dementia, some Alzheimers. I personally thing she has Parkinson's and has had it for years. I've done a lot of research and she showed symptoms at least 10 yrs. ago. She has rapidly deteriorated the last 2 yrs. and has become bedridden and can't feed herself in just the last 3 wks. Hospice is now involved. She saw the dr. (She had to come to the house because I can't lift my mother) and the dr. said she seems to be at the beginning of the end stage. The best thing you can do is keep them pain-free and happy. The disease will run it's course no matter what meds are taken. It's the natural process of life and death. We just have to accept it. We will all die at some point. That may sound blunt and rude but it's the truth.