I have been diagnosed 6 years ago with Parkinson's. Since that time I have not developed any tremors. There are two things that have developed over time. My talking is a bit impaired by my speech; I can sing with no difficulties, and I can read with almost 80% perfect. My second problem that I have is my walking. In small quarters I freeze an awful lot. It seems that when it is rainy ,and the barometer drops, that these symptoms get worse.
In 1988 I suffered injuries to my right femur (fracture) as well as to my tibia and fibula. My right ankle was also traumatized from the severe impact that I received. I now have secondary arthritis in my ankle, which I suffer pain 24/7.
The doctors have determined that I have Parkinsonia. But have also a reservation for two other possible diseases of which they did not disclose.
What is your opinion on my problems?
Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks dottoredario