Hello all,
I'm new to the forum, but have read many of the posts in the hope of finding out more information on the problems we are encountering with my mother's challenges.
I apologise in advance for the long waffle - but I hope that someone reading may be familiar with the problems, and could maybe have a suggestion as to whether we could be doing things another way, or whether this just really is end stage and that we should stop focussing on improvements and just ensure comfort.
My mother has Parkinson's, now with early Lewy Body Dementia - PD diagnosed 7 years ago, LBD added in 1 year ago after permanent changes in cognitive & executive function abilities after 2 unexplained falls.
She has been taking Stalevo 7 times a day, which has suited her well and maintained an adequate level of mobility & general functions.
Unfortunately another fall led to hospitalisation, which has started a marked downward spiral in her abilities. Exelon patches ran out, so oral version substituted. This caused vomiting - and thus lack of regular meds getting into her system, plus lack of food and fluids. Then two 8 hour periods "nil by mouth" in order to be gastroscoped to ensure that there wasn't an ulcer/more suspicious cause of vomiting and evidence of GI bleed. Return to Exelon patches and vomiting stopped. Gastroscope never happened, but obviously lack of meds/food/fluids again. Then "hospital acquired pneumonia" started. Delirium, treated with broad spec antibiotic to address the infection. Poor meds, food, fluids. After 2 lots of antibiotic treatment over 3 weeks, infection seemed to have subsided. However, new problems in the form of swallowing difficulties, rigid jaw (and body), no self-started movements, doubly incontinent and fluctuating lucidity. Tube fed for 5 days as it was the only way to ensure getting anything into her.
We have managed to transfer Mum to a nursing home as she no longer had any "medical treatment" needs to warrant staying further in the hospital. The staff are working hard at giving her medications absolutely on time with her previous schedule, and encouraging her to eat when they can get her to swallow. She is kept clean, turned frequently, the staff are very calm, kind and cheerful, and genuinely seem to care about
her wellbeing - all I could hope for.
Crushing the Stalevo and adding liquid is the only way to administer it - by teaspoon taking about
20 minutes each time - but she seems to be having what I term "dopamine storms" - patches of deep calm sleep, then wakeful periods where she has the "death grip" hands, constant muscle contraction, higher body temperature, but can be quite lucid - appropriate 1 word answers to questions, or sometimes several words in response to a bit of news. I am reading this as problems with the delivery of the medication crushed as opposed to the old ways with the tablet slowly breaking down within the digestive system and being transported.
I would love a magic answer to all this, but I appreciate that is unrealistic. It is so frustrating to see this body working so badly, when despite the LBD it is obvious that there is still so much sharp brain activity going on.
If anyone has any thoughts on this I would be really grateful to hear them