My Dad was diagnosed with Idiopathic PD in 2002. He started off with Sinemet and as years went by he began taking as much as 8 tablets a day which his neurologist felt was too much. This was one tablet every two hours.
We had been to four neurologists in South Africa and all confirmed he had PD. The more I read about PD, I felt that my Dad did not fit the picture. We went abroad to the UK for an opinion as my Dads condition began to worsen. A neurologist in London has now diagnosed my Dad as having cortical lewy body disease. He also confirmed that there are symptoms of this disease that mimic PD. At first we felt relieved that it was not PD but after having read about this disease, it is also a dgenerative condition and worsens with time. The consolation we have now is that my dad is being treated for something definite.
My advice to all out there is that make sure you or your loved one's diagnosis is true and dont stop trying. We also need to look at alternate forms of healing instead of just overdosing on every available drug that is being prescribed.