Hi Don99,
I'm so flattered that I'm your first post.
I am giving my mom Rytary this coming Saturday so I can watch her over the weekend and see how she does on it. I work full time on the week days and I have a caregiver that watches her but she is clueless to what I need to see.
My mom takes Stalevo with Mirapex and will stay with the Mirapex since the problem was with Stalevo. My mom cannot swallow meds whole so I have been crushing them for the past 3 years and it's better than nothing. Sinemet was not strong enough and caused a lot of dyskinesia for her so I just waited patiently for something better to come along and now it's time to try this out.
The doctor gave the 95mg dose at 3 pills 3 times a day and work up or down from there. It is very hard to follow the conversion chart being that she takes Mirapex too but she is on 150mg Stalevo and .50 mg Mirapex 3 times a day so she's not on that much meds which is why I think the lowest dose should be ok. I wish calling her doctor would be helpful but my mom is her first patient on it so your guess is as good as hers. Very few insurance will cover this drug so a lot of doctors won't even bother with it. We are covered so I feel blessed for that and hope this is the answer we have been waiting for.
Crushing the Stalevo is making her high as a kite of hopefully Rytary will be steady since it is in beads and can be put in apple sauce. Thanks for writing to me and I hope for the best.