Posted 3/6/2015 2:38 PM (GMT 0)
Welcome to Healing Well. Glad you found us!
One thing about Parkinson's meds is that no two people respond the same. The choice of medication and dosage can be influenced by the person's age, response to the medication and side effects. I think the most commonly prescribed class of medications for newbies is the dopamine agonists: Mirapex, Requip or Neupro (medication delivered by a skin patch). I have been very fortunate to have taken Requip , and only Reqiup, since my diagnosis in 2001. I am currently maxed out on the dosage, however. A potentially devastating side effect of the dopamine agonist family is obsessions -primarily sexual obsessions and obsessive gambling. There are some very sad stories about bank accounts and marriages that were devastated by these obsessions - something to be aware of.