I am so sorry to hear of your difficulties. I am 49 and my current diagnosis is Parkinsion's Plus Syndrome with questionable MSA (p). This is every similar to what you have been reading about
. I began one year ago with a diagnosis of Parkinson's, but the odd presentation of symptoms and rapid progression has lead to a revised diagnosis. My symptoms include numbness and tingling of the extremities, occular problems (nystagmus and double vision), tremors that initiated unilaterally but progressed to bilateral involvement, chronic insomnia, internal muscle tremors and contractions, rigidity, freezing and postural instablity. I also have several autonomic issues, incontinence, body temperature regulations and low BP (however, not nearly as low as yours). I am also drug resistant to many gold standard Parkinson's medications. My advice to you is to see a top notch Movement Disorder Specialist ASAP. Autonomic testing can assist in the diagnosis. Unfortunately, there is no cure only symptomatic relief. Good luck in your quest for an accurate diagnosis. Let me know if I can be of any additional help.