Greetings Margie & Joe,
I can't speak for the others on here as far as diet is concerned. But if my husband wants a nice juicy steak dinner, then that's what he'll get with a Margarita if he'd like. Would I give him one a day? Absolutely not.. but once in a while we have to indulge a little and enjoy life. PC will certainly change our life, and perhaps our lifestyle, but we're not going to let it stop us from living and enjoying life.
I hope you are finding comfort here on the forum, I'm a newbie also and will be 56 in 2 weeks. It's normal to cry, but knowledge is power! And we have found some wonderful folks on here that are willing to hold our hand through this difficult time in our life.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
Hubby is scheduled for DaVinci surgery on Monday, New Years Eve!