I had hoped to have better news to report by now, but Randy's still in the hospital. They were running behind on Monday, (only one robot) so we sat there from 1pm until almost 7 when they took him in. Then I sat and waited until after midnight until he came out of recovery. I stayed that night and needless to say neither of us got much sleep. I stayed with him all day yesterday, then had to get home before dark to take care of the dogs, we live an hour away from the hospital. I felt awful! Like I had been up all night celebrating. So I took two Tylenol PM's last night and slept like a baby. I went up this morning expecting him to be getting ready to come home. But nope.. They said his bowels are still asleep. He's in pain and bloated and pretty miserable. He's been up more today with help and walking a lot faster than he was yesterday, so that's a good sign. He had one light meal last night, and then they took him off the food again today because of the gas. Poor guy! So we've been doing all the right things, up the first day and moving. So hopefully things will start to improve soon and he'll be able to fart.
The surgery went well, except that he lost a little more blood than expected, but didn't require a transfusion. The doc spared the nerves on the left side and a partial sparing on the right side. Plus removed some lymph nodes on the right side. We won't get a pathology report for a week. about the time we go in for the cath to be removed.
I'll drop a note again in a few days once he's home and settled in.
Thanks again,