Hi everyone: Rob had his Zometa Jan.9/08 and normally doesn't see the side affects, achy, tired etc. for a couple of days. This time he had pain, aching, and tired within a couple of hours of his treatment. Since then he is extremely tired, pale, achy, sometimes pain and twice he has had an ache or pain flow throughout his whole body but in different
locations and not all at one time. Ex: last couple of nights he starts to ache or hurt in the upper part of his body, arms, shoulders, chest with no pain or ache in the lower extremities. Than it suddenly switches to his lower part of the body from the waist down to his feet and the upper part stops hurting. This lasts for an hour or two before it subsides and disappears. Does anyone know what can cause this? He isn't all that hungry either. Just absoluetly fatigued. Feels like his muscles are tired and achy also. Can Zometa do this? I also read and article on Hypercalcemia of malignancy which means that there is too much calcium in the blood. This can occur with bone metastases, due to excessive bone loss. Symptoms include nausea (which he has had on occasion lately and vomiting once) loss of appetite, depression, and fatigue. Just this happening is getting him really down. His hips aren't doing as well as we hoped after his last radiation either. Can anyone recommend a good video to buy on self visualization so he can try some self healing, as well as a good video on learning relaxation techniques and how to destress himself so he can learn how to not get so extremely stressed over everything that happens or might happen. Even the smallest insignificant normal things get him stressed and his imagination goes beyond. My daughter called me and asked us to stop over and pick up something without telling us what it was. Rob started thinking of all negative things instead of looking at this as maybe a pleasant surprise and simply waiting until we got there to see what it was. He always thinks the worst or negative and works himself into a state of stress that causes his pain to start when he didn't have any. From there it escalates. Even he now sees that he needs to find a way to handle stress better and learn not to get so involved in things that he can't do anything about
. Just hard to change habits. Thanks for your help guys and gals. Hope everyone is doing okay. Keep up the fight. You're in my prayers. lifeline