Biker90 says:
"We all are at different stages of erectile recovery and probably have very different resutls. The doctors probably don't use the injections themselves so only have the drug maker's recommendations to go by. We have to find our own way in this journey"
How true. I started with the 'suggested' dose of 10mcg/.25cc of 20mcg Caverject, with a 4 hour erection that really hurt. I started again at 5mcg(.125cc) , then moved to 40mcg strength Caverject powder at .18cc, .2cc, .3cc, .4cc all with none of the erection response of the .5cc dose, but still the aching and pain. Switching to Bimix and reading what you guys were using here, I started with .1cc, thinking it was probably too much, and discovered it wasn't enough, then progessively went to .15, .25, .3, .4, and finally .5mL or .5cc which seems to be the dose that works for me. Even then, maybe .55 would make things a litle firmer. It takes about 30 minutes to reach full effect, and lasts about 2 1/2 hrs, again times that are more than other guys here, but its what works for me. A lot more than most others here, but that's what it takes for me. Which shows how individualized each guy is in what it takes to get things working at optimum....