Just to add....
I finished IMRT a year agao (almost to the day!).... I found walking a lot in the evening helped ward of the fatigue I starting feeling about half way thru the treatments....
I had a little bit of urinary and bowel discomfort, but my doc was very good about helping me stay ahead of the side effects
A year later, I get a little stress incontinence and have to wear a pad every now and then. Like you, I'm an part time pianist and gig on the weekends... I have a Kurzweil PC2 that's a littlle heavy---- I find when I lug it around a lot, I'm a little drippy for a day or two---nothing horrible.... Last two PSA have been undectable...so far, so good....
FYI, I just noticed the Sloan-Kettering site updated their nonograms to include a salvage radiation progression probablility.... according to to the table, my chance at being progression-free at 6 years post-surg is 80%---- which ain't bad...
You can find the nongram at http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/10088.cfm