Morning all.
My husband finally got up the nerve and we went to the dr. last week and he started him on tri-mix injections for erections. He started with 30cc (in a diabetic needle) in the office and after about 20 mins he had somewhat of an erection.
He told us to go home and next time use 50cc which we did this morning. Oh my, didn't think we'd ever see the little guy at full attention again......
Enter the problem.... now that he's up.. he doesn't wanta come down! It's been almost 2 hrs and my hubby says it is quite uncomfortable especially at the base. Obviously, next time, we'll cut back to say 40 or maybe even 35... but, in the meantime,,,
He's trying an ice pack as we speak. Dr. advised us if it doesn't go down after 4 hrs we need to go to emerg.... I really hope that is not the case and wondered if any of you have any suggestions.... Never thought we would have this problem.. matter of fact, never thought he would have the nerve to do the injection... and I am very proud that he does and without hesitation. Sheesh, I can hardly watch.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.