Sorry to hear your frustration...IT IS frustrating....
My PSA post surg had a similar pattern..... we did radiation and hormone therapy when PSA hit .25...BUT -- like a lot of post RP/ with radiation patients on this site, I had a postive margin, which I believe makes the docs pull the radiation trigger a bit faster...With a clean pathology and post rp PSA, the opinions tend to differ--- radiation will only cure local disease - which might still be your husband's case, it just really hard for them to tell at this point.....
Which doctor said no to radiation---the radiation guy or you primary uro? If its the primary doc, I'd be interested to see if the rad onc agrees. If radiation is truly off the table, I think they do wait around a bit get a better handle on your true doubling time....which is hard to get a good read on at these lower levels (OR SO I've been told)...if radiation is still a possibility, the lower the psa, the better....
Hope this helps--- fortunately, you have a lot of friends here eager to help!