Greetings, Odysseus. I live in Richmond and had my surgery done at St Marys by Dr. Bill Morgan of Virginia Urology. I too was advised to go to Johns Hopkins and get a second opinion/consult with either Dr Walsh or Dr Partain. I am sure they are great doctors with great reputations and JH is a very fine facility. However, I was very comfortable with Dr. Morgan after he spent an hour or so with us in our initial consultation. My surgery went great and I have had very few issues with either incontinence or ed. The entire practice from nurses to PAs to the doc's are great. I suppose if everything hadn't turned out like it has I would have wished that I had gotten the second opinion at JH but as it is, I am very satisfied with my experience. My family and friends are here in Richmond and it was great to have them close by during hospital stay (2 days) and recovery.
As far as cost is concerned, St Mary's charged about $25,000 and my insurance paid them about $8,000. Dr Morgan charged about $2,500 and my insurance paid him about $2,000. The labs/pathologists charged about $2,000 and my insurance paid them something less than $1,000. My out of pocket was a grand total of $250.
I'd be glad to talk with you if you would like. My personal email is [email protected]. David