Hello again, one and all:
I am now roughly 2 1/2 weeks away from my open rp surgery, so many thoughts running through my head. One detail on my 3rd and final biopsy report still concerns me. On the left base biopsy section, it spells out "focal preineural invasion identified." Still can't find a clear answer to what this really means, any particular significance, etc. Should I be concerned, and did any of you in this group have the same notation?
I am dealing with a psa of 14.9 currently, up from 5.8 last july, and two known tumors, one is 4+3 and the other 3+4.
I have lost 24 lbs in the past 2 months without any excercise or deliberate diet, my wife, and LPN, thinks its all stress/nerve related.
Thanks for your help and support. My thoughts are with all of you here. Same war, different battles.
David in SC