I may have some beneficial information. Dr. Morey performed both an AUS and a penile implant (at the same time) back in July on me. Another member of this forum, KW, had the male sling several months ago and it just did not work for him. I'm sure he will be along pretty soon to post, also. After lots and lots of investigation, he too settled on Dr. Morey for his AUS. So as far as the surgeon is concerned, you are, in my opinion, in very good hands. He is indeed considered the the leading surgeon (at least one of them) here in the DFW area.
The doc is right, of course. We are all different. Personally, I am very glad I had both surgeries at the same time. I am now continent (except for a few drips each day, which is normal for the AUS. I use a very, very light pantiliner each day). I am also now fully ED free. I can have an erection any time I want one... and it is a very, very good and hard erection.
Again, all I can say is that we are all different. But for me, and for others whom I know who have the implants, they work very well. So I would say: Go for it. Except, it's your decision and you must make your own informed decision.
There are other things regarding these implants you need to consider. You can scroll down a couple of pages and find a post from me that I called Questions and Answers about Penile Implans, or something like that. As a matter of fact, I will bump it up so you can find it easily.
I will be glad to speak with you over the phone or via email. My email address is avialable over on the sidebar if you wish to contact me.