I could not resist this topic as I have been giving it some thought lately in a broader sense. How much can diet impact the cancer? So far, the best article I have read is in regards to Dr. Dean Ornish' diet for PCa. It is very similar to his heart diet. I can say from personal experience that his diet is extreme and extremely tough to follow. Do not even look at a steak! I tried his diet for my cholesterol with only modest success. Lost a lot of weight though. Finally broke down and started on the statins. (google Ornish prostate diet for the article)
I have always taken supplements but my research has indicated that some I have been taking are not recommended for PCa. (Now they tell me ) I stopped all supplements during my radiation treatment and I am now taking only a select few. D3 w/calcium, fish oil, C, pomegranate extract, and capsaicin.
By the way the article I read on green tea said to steep for 10 minutes and to drink 10 cups per day to get the therapeutic dose. Just what a guy with prostate problems needs... something else to drink.
Di thanks for the post.