I found it easier to roll onto my side, then slide my legs over the edge of the bed, then push myself up to a sitting position with my arms, then use my arms to push myself up from the bed. hurts less then trying to use your abs to get out of bed.
I found it easier to sit in a office chair with armrests while watching TV, it is easier to get out of a taller office chair because you can push off the armrests than trying to get out of a couch or recliner.
I found it easier to get a toilet chair with armrests that sits over the top of your regular toilet. it is taller and has the armrests to push yourself off of the toilet.
do take the stool softeners. I did not have a BM for 6! days after the RPP, very uncomfortable. I finally got so desperate I had to use Milk Of Magnesia (sp?) and it opened the floodgates so to speak.
when I had to go out I would take a large paper shopping bag and cut a slit in the bottom of the bag to pass the Foley catheter through and carry the catheter inside of the bag so no one could see it as easily. all that was visible was a short piece of the plastic tubing coming out of the bottom of my sweat pants. a lot easier than messing with the smaller capacity catheter that you strap to your leg.
try to keep a sense of humor throughout everything (the nurses did not seem to find it very amusing when I told them I was in for a Lobotomy when they asked me what operation I was having during the admission process). I would search out comedies to watch to lift my spirits during the recuperation process. I must admit I worried too much before the operation and recuperation period as it was not all that bad once it was done and over.
grab a pillow and hug it if you need to sneeze, cough, or laugh really hard.
do drink plenty of fluids post op to keep yourself hydrated and flush your bladder. this helps flush out the blood clots and will also help with your BM's. do moniter the color of your urine, if it is dark, drink more fluids. I would try and get up and drink 8 to 12 oz of water every hour and walk around a bit. I read that coffee and sodas irritate your bladder so I stopped drinking them post op.