In my opinion, I believe that every person here with PC that posts on a regular basis, should have their own stats in plain view on their posts. For one thing, it helps the reader, particularly a new friend here, to what extent of PC the poster has, and perhaps a brief outline of their treatment(s) so far. For our new friends, it would be easy to show them how to set-up their stats, thus making it easier for the rest of the group to know how to address their questions and concerns.
I does concern me, to read of complex cures, cures out of the mainstream and way outside of most people's scope of research, and not have a clue if any of these methods are having any positive affect on the PC with the poster(s) in question. I think its only fair.
I am all about information, from anywhere, any source, any method. I do know enough about PC at this point in my journey, is that there is no one way, one method, one approach, and for the men dealing with complex advanced issues, it's a whole other ball game, where the standards answers and approaches aren't going to cut it.
I just think it makes a fairer "playing field" if anyone that is on the PC path present even in the most abbreviated form, their situation. That way when people are reading their sources, suggestions, etc, they can factor in the posters own sucesses and failures or progress.
Just something to think about. And trust me, I do not believe in censorship among adults, and I won't deny a fact if someone comes up with anything that works or helps. The best answers can come from the strangest sources sometimes.
David in SC