Hey Boot,
They will bring you in for a trial run to begin with where they will take a bunch of pictures that they will use to line you up on each of your subsequent visits. I went five days a week for I believe 42 treatments after that initial visit; that equated to I believe 72gy to the prostate bed and I am not sure how many grays went to lymph nodes. The process itself is pretty simple, you lay on the table and they line you up using the images they took and the machine will whirl around you for about 5-10 minutes each visit. The only side effect I experienced was mild fatigue and a little bit of rectal soreness which went away pretty quickly after the treatments stopped.
As far as the timeline it will probably depend on how flexible you are and how busy they are. Being first everyday is probably a good idea if you can do it.
I think you are making the right call and I bet you are going to be fine, hang in there.