I posted the other day about locking up after I have my cathater removed and then having to have it reinstered. It's been in and out now since my surgery April 15.
Yesterday, I ran an on and off fever of 102 plus. We kept it contained with Tylonol. After talking to the Resident on Duty at the hospital, he had me go to the ER. They did a complete workover. They tested my blood count (white cells normal). They x-raded kidneys and did a CAT scan on stomach. The only thing they noticed is I still have a urine infection.
I've been on Levequin and Baxtrim for 3 weeks now treating the e-coil bacterial.
I went home last night, and today my fever is still hanging around 102 (being controlled by Tylnol) bringing it down to 100.
The doctors are even confused (and I'm being treated at the University of Minnesota), so I know I'm getting good treatment.
I'm exhausted. I've lost over 2o pounds. I'm worried when the pull the cath out again, my bladder will lock.
My wife (who is not in the med, but has a lot of common sense), thinks I should ask my MD about being admitted with IV antibodics, and have the cath pulled out of the hospital and stay there for the docs to look at. It usually locks up after 2 or 3 days.
Sorry for the rambling.
Thanks. Jeff