I have membership right now on three boards and as with all of you, have read my fill of stories; some sad, some happy, some in-between. However, what has shocked me is the amount of men who were first diagnosed with PCa in their 40's.
We have those who say "what a waste the psa test is" and "pca is over-treated." I say NOT! In fact, I believe the age of a man's first psa test should be at 40. If for anything else, getting regular psa tests beginning at 40 will set the trend line that will help to diagnose the possibility of PCa, not when it hits the golden number 4, but when its velocity suggests that there may be a problem.
The earlier psa testing and trends are established, the more lives will be saved. AND...for those of us who were diagnosed in our early to mid-50's.....I know for a fact that many of us would have been diagnosed in our later 40''s, if such trending was done. Diagnosing early provides opportunities for possible nerve sparing surgeries and eliminating to a good degree the need for both surgery and radiation.