Greetings, Tim. Welcome to the forum. You have already received some good advice and it sounds like you were already on the right track. Do your homework - find out your options - make a decision - and never look back. There are lots of good options and you will hear from many of the guys here who have had the various treatments. What is right for me may not be right for you - we are all unique and aren't we glad we are!
I just posted on another message what my doc advised me about kegels - just stop your urine flow 4 or 5 times each time you go. This is very similar to a kegel and you know you are getting the right muscle(s).
I was back at work in 3 weeks but I am in an office - don't know how much I could have done had I been on my feet all day.
You will do great - look forward to hearing great reports. David