jerseycity brough up a good point, and so did you tjc:
Jerseycity asked about pads & you responed... but you must consider what size pads you're talking about. I now wear a "pad", even after AUS, but it's a tiny panti liner. Sometimes I fill it up in an 18 hour day and somtimes it just put a spot of urine on it. Before my radical, I went thgough 8-10 big-as-they-come pads. As long as I was standing up or walking around, absolutely nothing stayed in my bladder.
tjc, from your original post, I gathered you were like me. Just make sure you are really that bad off. And if everything else fails, consider "going for it" (AUS). A sling would never work ...if I understand your situation.
You also mentioned wearing a penis clamp. I did that too and was able to stay more dry... a very good improvement, but as you know, clamps are not the best solution...l at least not for me. One problem I had was occasionally my clamp would slip off and the whole load would come flooding out at once (I am uncircumcised).
AUS is a big step, but...