positional said...
And, I'd still prefer eating natural pomergranates rather than juice or supplements.
Ah, sorry. I misinterpreted your earlier question/comment. The juices do contain a lot of sugar (as you point out).
If I liked the taste more, I would also go your route of eating natural pomegranate. I regularly consume 5 or more fruits per day...for example, raspberries on cereal this morning, and brought a banana, 2 clementines and a bag of green grapes in a bag to work, and usually a fruit salad for dinner. I love fruit, but not all are as well packed with the cancer-fighting antioxidant chemicals (James, addressing your question here) found in pomegranate. Since I'm not a big fan of the pomegranate taste, so my approach to a healthy supplemetation of diet for reduced PC progression is through a pomegranate extract...1 per day to help stack the odds favorably on my side.