I'd like to revisit something I mentioned earlier.
I am having strange incontinence problems and maybe you guys could relate and have some advice. I am almost 6 weeks post-op. When my catheter was removed 5 weeks ago, I would get annoying squirt…squirt…squirt stuff, especially arising from sitting, sneezing, coughing, etc. I was doing better than most, I thought.
Soon after, I was down to no pads at night and one pad during the day, barely needing that. However, the last 10 days have been different, and it’s hard to describe.
Generally, I start off with a normal, decent urination. It feels fine, but 1-3 minutes later I have to go back to expel a small amount of urine (small squirt or just drops). Two minutes later I have to repeat this. Two minutes later, same thing. This feeling continues much of the day. If I don’t go back to the bathroom, I feel VERY uncomfortable. Oddly enough, I can actually get through the day without a pad.
I am not sure if things have improved or not. I feel more miserable this way, although there are pretty much no involuntary squirts (a cough or sneeze might create one). I feel like I empty my bladder well, but yet more drops remain. I don’t know if my bladder has lost its elasticity or the loss of the upper sphincter muscle is just allowing drops to exit the bladder prematurely.
Based on my morning urination, my bladder can hold a decent amount. I generally do not have to get up during the night (sometimes maybe once).
Before my PC, I had BPH and at times I was having problems with retention. I know how that felt. It was truly miserable and uncomfortable. Flomax did work very well for me for many years. Anyway, that kind of retention is NOT at all the feeling I have now. It is that constant additional bit of urine in the urethra (or perhaps up a bit from there). It also starts to burn and irritate at times. I have been checked for an infection (urine culture) and none has been found.
Can any of you relate to these symptoms? Is this perhaps normal as part of the recovery process? I know they have P/T folks here who specialize in incontinence and it may be a matter of strength/training of some pelvic floor muscles. I don't know.
I have a new local urologist who I'll be seeing at the end of April (they are so busy)