Dear "Heavy Leaker". Hang in there. My initial prostate removal surgery was in May 2006 and I too was using about
the same amount of pads per day due to leaking. After six months I was able to opt for a type of "electrical stimulus" (sorry for the use of the word STIMULUS) that my urologist administered. I don;t know the technical name for this procedure, but it worked.Ask you urologist about
it upon your next visit. If he doesn't know what your referring to, I will find out the technical jargon from my urologist and forward to you. They were able to stimulate that area where the prostate once dwelled and get the nerves to wake up and thus allow you to be able to get the sphincter muscles to start working again(it's painless). It was the beginning of getting "dryer" for me. It really sped up the drying process for me. I got down to about
one(1) pad a day(if no sports activities). However, when I were to get real active there would be the proverbial "stress incontienence". You will most likely get much dryer as well. I am hoping that this most recent procedure that I had done (Advance Male Sling) gets me out of ALL PADS AND ALL LEAKING(hope). If not, I will at least know that I did all that I could and have no regrets later in life wondering what if. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me.