Ed and Dan - thanks for the support - when I first posted my stats, I got a lot of "oh, I,m so sorry.." when they saw the gleason level 7 and stage 3 cancer... there were a few who had similar stats who had to go onto radiation and such.... so the sword of damocles had been hanging over my head these last five months ..
.. had a great sleep last night - woke up early with no nightmares ( what a concept!)
... will be writing up a "good anti-cancer food shopping list" from the information I found in "Challenging Prostate Cancer - nutrition, exercise and you" - a great book from Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
..you can download the book/pamphlet from
www.prostatecentre.ca-they even have a segment on your nutrition during your type of treatment -
wishing you all the best.
happy hugs