Hi Guys:
Frankly the simplistic and anecdotal stories of specific patients whose Gleason scores are upgraded post-surgery are not particularly helpful to the patient who is considering AS. Nor are broad statistics indicating the percentage of G scores that are updated. As many of us have pointed out, PCa is a very patient specific disease and needs to be managed as such. That is why each patient needs to get the very best possible pre-treatment advice that is available.
And, that is why that AS should not be managed by the garden variety urologist. In the hands of an expert the patient can be provided with information on predictive factors that can help determine the risk of potential upgrade of their tumors. These include things like PSA level, PSA velocity, number of samples, % cancer in each sample, expertise of the pathologist, etc.
So, my advice to the prospective AS patient is simple: Get an expert pathological reading (e.g. Epstein or Bostwick Labs) of your biopsy and deal with a physician who will give you the best possible staging and who knows the real ins and outs of dealing with AS.