Hey Gleason
How have you been? Hope everything going good. Iv'e been around, mostly lurking but have put out a few post replies out there.
Surgery went real well still using three or four pads a day but it"s getting better. I pulled a .01 last wed. the 26th, cant" get any better than that. Doc. says I'm doing pretty good and can start doing some work around here,[6wks out from the robot], good thing the back lawns about three feet high. I feel pretty good but sure run out of gas in a hurry, been doing my Kegels and walking a good hour and a half a day.
All and all I feel real lucky, it's funny the Doc. been having some of his new patients call me about Da Vinci and the first thing I tell them is get on this site as fast as you can. And to respond to your post: Your not getting rid of me that easy, I owe to much, pay it forward to you guys.
Anyway, thanks for the post, hope you have a great Memorial day weekend and all is well with you and your Family.