I've just finished RT (5 weeks ago) after failed DaVinci and my first PSA (got it today) is 0.21 the same as before start of radiation.
Not sure if this is good or bad news so I need a bit of help from you guys out there.
PSA before surgery 6.3
Biopsy show Gleson 9 (out of 12 samples 3 were 9, 2 were 7 and 1 was 6)
Staged T2c
DaVinci 8 dec 09
From Biopsy report:
Tumor does not extend to apical margin
Evidence of capsular penetration.
Tumor does not extend to circumferential margins.
Tumor infiltration into the base of the Lt. seminal vesicle.
Bladder neck margin confirm this to be free of tumor.
Eight lymph nodes submitted showing only reactive changes.
Gleason 9 confirmed but stage upgraded to T3b.
First PSA 6 weeks after surgery 0.16
Second PSA 10 weeks after surgery 0.21
Radiation started 16 March and finished 12 May.
First PSA after Radiation 0.21.