David........just like a lot of ranges for markers, the "normal" range is not necessarily "optimal" for all people. I've been wrestling with Low T, Low Vitamin D-3, low ferritin, etc.
What I've been able to learn is that D-3 is not a vitamin at all, but a pre or prohormone, and necessary for not only all the usual things listed, but hormone production as well. I just started the 50K IU p/week protocol referenced in the NY Times article in an effort to get the D-3 levels up into at least the mid-range...60-70. I started at 25, then after 8 months of 1000IU p/day supplementation, I came up to 36. Still quite low............I and the pros I'm working with are confident that with proper D-3, iron and zinc levels, we may not have to cross the controversial Testosterone bridge. And, if we do, I'll be that much further down the road if I stay undetectable. ----------as I get a handle on this, and am further into "treatment", I'll keep you all posted on this.
Arnie in DE