What a contentious question, but the $64,000 one..
First - I would wonder the distinction between ROBOT and Laproscopic.. To me they are the same.. ie. Small cuts and arms that do the work. Whether ROBOT or MANIPULATORS, they amount to the same thing.
Just prior to my RRP, I attended a formal seminar on PC and they covered both Laproscopic (Robot) and open Cut... The emphatic comment was made , that there three were differences:
1. Laproscopic gave a markedly shorter 'down time'..
2. open Cut gave a better oncological result, as a skilled surgeon can fully see in 3D and can twist and turn bits and hence get a finer result. and suprisingly
3. Less 'post-operative' complications from open-Cut RRP.
Those that I had spoken to first, questioned themselves as to WHY they were having the procedure - 'to cure CANCER'.. and so questioned which was the most important -- On your feet fastest, or on your twig the longest ! I like the view from my twig !
So my response was to go for the procedure that gave the greatest promise of complete recovery. I suspect that my surgeon shaved my bladder with a 5 blade Guillette, to ensure that NO prostatic tissue was left.
In the end, the results are in the hands of and controlled by the skill of the surgeon, but the percentages are always there.
PS - My younger Surgeon, with hundreds of RP a year to guide him, would never use LRP, because he does not have the tactile/visual response that he has with open-Cut.