As mentioned elsewhere, I have started taking daily aspirin (100mg). I make a point of taking it on a full stomach and with plenty of fluid to mitigate possible gastric problems. Two weeks in, no side effects.
My last PSA was 0.3, with a now established doubling time of about
7 months. So if my next PSA, (3 months after the last) shows a PSA of 0.3 or 0.4, I will conclude that the aspirin has been responsible, at least in this particular case study of one! The only other lifestyle change I am making is to get a bit more sunshine (Vitamin D), but as plenty of sunshine did not stop me from getting PCa in the first place, Gleason 8, I expect this will be an insignificant factor. Of course it is a bit of a leap to assume that a 50% reduction in mortality should also show a reduction in the rise of PSA, but I'll take that leap anyway
I'd be interested in an informal survey here. If anyone has been taking aspirin or other blood thinners for any reason, what has your PSA done in that time?