You might seek a follow-up to this post from 25 October:
woodysgirl said...
Not sure if it is too soon to post reaction as woody is still undergoing radiation and we are not sure how much of what he is experiencing is related to the radiation and how much is due to hormone therapy. After 3.5 months on lupron, he now has HBP (new), extreme fatigue, loss of mental clarity which is more than just short term memory problems. The hot flashes, loss of libido, weight gain are a nuisance, but the loss of mental clarity and extreme fatigue are affecting his ability to work. His last HDR treatment is tomorrow, and he goes in for his next lupron shot in mid nov. We firmly believe that he needs to stay on hormone therapy for 2 yrs, but if memory problems and fatigue have not resolved after the first of the year, he may have to make life altering decisions on whether to stay with treatment or continue working. Very afraid.