My opinion, and the orders of my surgeon, were to do nothing - NOTHING - no exercise, no driving, no lifting over 5 pounds, with the exception of normal walking, for at least 4 weeks. At 4 weeks, he let me drive, but left the other restrictions in place. At 12 weeks, he raised the lift limit to 10 pounds. At 20 weeks, he said it was time to start normal exercise (upper torso), and jogging if I wanted.
You are pushing it according to those suggestions.
And yes, even walking a half mile without leaking was not possible for me until about three months out. Now, at 14 months, I can get about two miles in without a major leak.
I was 56, and in reasonable health, no pre-surgery issues.
My suggestion is to allow your body to heal first. I was told by my uro/surgeon that the internal stitches don't even start breaking up until 8-10 weeks after surgery, so you are pulling on incisions that aren't healed yet. Don't let the superglue on the skin fool you.