Jerry L, we are of similar ages and i was diagnosed last year with pc .....
T3a n2 m1 ,we have posted on threads before.I started on the ht injections and it has been 11 weeks or so now.Some strange things happen to our bodies when we start this stuff but none of them i find unbearable just b----y annoying !!!!
my experiences are.......LIBIDO ___gone!! Erections can be achieved but takes some serious persuasion___Fatigue ? so far so good,hot flashes well its been a cold winter here in the uk but im not looking forward to the summer..LOL.... so far i have a little more belly fat than i did but do alot at the gym so im fighting it.....muscles have reduced but luckily i dont have moobs yet (man boobs) and if i do get them at least i will have something to play with on them cold winters nights...LOL
MORE seriously though Jerry.........My psa as dropped from 144 down to 20 in approx 11 weeks so zoladex does what it says.
If i had the choice at this moment i would not volunteer to take ht but youve gotta make your own disicions cus its your Desease and one thing im learning about pc is that no two of us are the same...(GOD that makes me feel special LOL!) The pre-ht injection drug cosadex stops pc cells absorbing androgen so has a similar effect to ht injection and when i was given this to start my traetment i did not loose libido which for me as a 44 yr old is the worst thing.