Yes, I have certainly seen a top oncologist, Dr. Hussein at Umich. We had a long talk a few months ago.
She is the one who said yes to SRT but no to HT for now.
She actually advised doing adjuvent radiation. She also admitted, as Ford said, that it is a grey area. She said they are more aggressive with ART and that for every 100 patients they treat with radiation they estimate that 70 didn't need treatment (ie: overtreatment). Ford advised no RT but watch the PSA and do the SRT if needed. As I said, it's a grey area. Anyway, I chose to follow Ford's protocol (why do such difficult TX if there is a very good chance that it won't be needed).
Well, it now appears that it will be needed.
So, in answer to your question, yes I have seen a specialist. But is things go south I would probably seek out one more opinion before starting HT.
I know some think I am 2 steps ahead. I think I am one step ahead as it as the handwriting is on the wall that the surgery has failed. I'd love to be wrong here!
David, you said "Still pays to put each part in a seperate box so to speak, that way, when overwhelmed, you aren't throwing the baby out with the bath water." Agreed and that's exactly why I am asking these questions -- so that if things go south I am NOT overwhelmed. Obviously, we all look at this in different ways and we all deal with problems/stress differently. Having a plan in place IN ADVANCE for me alleviates stress. WHATEVER WORKS.