I tried the injections 10 years ago (50 yrs old when RP) and many things have changed since then reading everyone's response on dialing in etc.
I have been using the VED ( vacuum pump) with good results.
It took some time to get the hang of it and it isn't as spontaneous but both my wife and I have satisfactory organisms using my penis.
Some of the problems which I have had and solutions
1) Pumping up, I can make it too hard and then putting on rings, I don't have the feeling in the penis - it is desenitized
2) Using the wrong size rings or too many - desentized or erection goes down.
3) Scotal tissue and the vacuum can be a problem - the bag gets sucked in and you put on the ring - resulting in little pain.
4) Too much lubricant on pump - will affect what gets sucked in
5) I was incontinent - with AUS, that should help, and couldn't pump up too soon or had leaking.
6) You need to practice - your penis needs blood, the more you practice the easier it is to get a firm erection - you don't need to have intercourse just pump up and get
blood flowing.
7) You need to realize that the 18 year old erection isn't what you have when you are 45, 50, 60 or more. Naturally it will not be the same but it doesn't have to be.
You can satisfy your wife/partner with less. It is more the action of love making than the erection.
8) The quickie ain't what it use to be, you need to take your time so both your partner and you can enjoy each other - Quality not Bam thank you Ma'm.
If you wife went through the entire process and you talked about it. She knows what the outcome maybe.
You are not half the man because your Penis isn't what it used to be.
When I was young, my Dad said don't let your Penis think for you. Now I am old and use my mind to make by Penis think what I want.
Good Luck - your wife sounds like a winner to go this far with you.
Keep it up !!!