I know you are not a fan of certain juices and remedies - but feel I should share this with you and the others.
I found this at one of the sites I looked up after reading your latest posting -
Somebody said...
# Drink cranberry juice/eat cranberries. Cranberries and cranberry juice are particularly beneficial in treating UTIs because they prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder’s walls. Drink unsweetened cranberry juice, use Stevia to sweeten the juice, or take cranberry capsules to have the best effect.
# Identify and avoid food allergies. One of the symptoms of food allergies is frequent urinary tract infections. Identifying and avoiding your food allergies can help your immune system work more efficiently and can decrease the inflammation in your body.
the website in concern was:
www.thedietchannel.com/Alternative-Womens-Health-Prevent-and-Treat-UTIs-Using-Natural-Remedies.htmI have been the brunt of many an infection - bladder, lung, sinus, etc... ( I was raised on tretracyline and monthly/weekly allergy shots)
and sometimes, the trigger would a food allergy / exposure to an allergen -or even a physical trauma ( getting hit in the ribs can trigger a lung episode)....
- so maybe it is time to try alternatives - especially since you have repeatedly stated
Purgatory said...
But I will have to live with being high risk for these infections forever.
maybe this is the "first day of the rest of your life" ...
.. some may dismiss this as "old wive's tale".. but then, who lives longer, the men or the women...?
-getting off my -
I care about you - soapbox....
sincere hugs,
p.s. google - diet change to reduce UTI men - and see all the sites that offer some alternative insights...
p.p.s hugs again
-and from another site....
Somebody said...
Several drugs are available to help relieve the pain of a UTI. A heating pad may help and most doctors recommend drinking more water because it helps purify the urinary tract of bacteria. While undergoing treatment, it helps to avoid alcohol, coffee, and spicy foods.
p.p.p.s ( have to go pee now)