Had my
open RP on February 14th. It's been a heck of a week.
Due to a metabolic condition, I had to be put on an IV (actually 3 separate IVs) the day before surgery during bowel prep. As you can imagine running to the toilet is even less fun when you are dragging the IV tower behind you.
Surgery was 8 AM Monday morning. Surgery team was very friendly and reassuring prior to being my put under. According to the surgeon, the surgery went well. Very little blood loss. 2 1/2" incision. Surgeon spoke to my wife at 11:00 AM to let her know I was out of surgery.
I woke up in recovery room around 2 PM. Was taken back to my room. I had terrible lower back pain. Received morphine injections through IV. (I did not have a morphine drip.) This did not seem to work well. I received numerous injections through the night, but it was rough. The next day I switched to Percocet and this was the end of my pain problem.
The big event of Tuesday was "the walk". Walking itself was not bad. Getting out of bed and back into bed was very painful. After the first walk, different nurse did a better job of explaining that you should bring the back of the bed alll the way up, log roll onto your side and then swing your legs towards the ground before trying to push yourself up. I would recommend getting explicit instructions before just trying to muscle through it.
Should have left the hospital on Tuesday. Had to stay until Thursday due to a low grade fever that I could not shake. While this was a total bummer, there was something to be said for the extra time with nurse and doctor care.
Flew home on Friday. This was better than expected. Flew first class and got a wheelchair to take me to and from the plane. Both of these were highly recommended. Walked several times during the flight. Some discomfort during the seats in the upright postion during takeoff and landing, but really not bad.
Saturday, I got the call I was waiting for. Surgeon called and told me pathology report was back and confirmed no positive margins! 35% of prostate was cancerous and tumor was in all 4 quadrants. It was the real deal. If that wasn't enough of a good day, I had my first bowel movement.
Now I am just getting used to catheter life and resting and walking.
After rereading this post, please don't take the hospital stay as negative. This is my first surgery, so I didn't know what to expect. I was extremely happy with hospital, surgeon, and nursing staff. I would recommend to anyone.