My wife and I visited the Roberts Proton Therapy Center in Philadelphia.
It was my first choice before going with surgery.
Our daughters boyfriend (6 years, cmon guy) is a Physicist who
graduated from an Ivy league school. I asked him what he thought
would be less damaging passing through normal tissue. He paused
thought about it, then first gave me a disclaimer. I am not a Dr or
understand how a living cell would react to any treatment. However,
he guessed it would be proton over photon (standard radiation) because
the body is comprised of photons. But the photon would need something
to push it since it is less forcefull than a photon. I think that is the reason
for the particle acellerator.
He explained other stuff to me which I didn't grasp, yet. I will get back to
you once he explains it in detail, so I can share the information. He needs
to explain physics 101 to me first :>
Once again, I will share the science of proton & photon once I can
understand what he is saying :<