I'm basing my guess on the article that Scholz posted (I provided the link).
Anyway, just speculating.
Clearly, if my PSA is up, showing SRT failure, he will undoubtedly recommend HT. He is clearly in the camp that sooner is better (unlike your doctor). At least that's my guess.
If my PSA is down, indicating possible SRT success, then I'm not sure what he will recommend (hopefully, just some diet and other advice?).
Meanwhile, I am still having severe fatigue that seems to come and go. Yesterday I finally felt totally normal and actually returned to the gym and had a pretty decent workout (about 85% of my normal workout after pretty much not working out for 3 weeks). Today we went to a park in Lansing to celebrate my grandson's 7th birthday and out of nowhere the fatigue hit. Now, it was abiut 92 degrees but still this exhaustion is disturbing. I'm better now. I'm not sure if this is due to the radiation or some other problem. I can now see why Scholz (from what I hear) does other tests too. I see an EKG and electrocardiagram in my future!