As most know, I have been going to the Oncology Rehab program for months at St. Francis Hospital System here in Greenville, SC. The hospital actualy has 9 different Rehab programs. They are putting together a documentary and promotional movie as part of a program called "Faith, Hope, and Experience".
The head of each rehab group got to pick one patient to represesnt their end. I was chosen and asked to represent the Oncology Rehab. They especially wanted me because I have been in their program twice now in the past 10-11 years.
Thursday, I went and was filmed. I was given a set of questions to look over with the interviewer, and then each of my answers were filmed seperately. I am not use to being on the receiving end of the "lens", so I felt a bit odd.
They wanted detailed answers, and that they got. Took about 45 minutes to get through it, then a very lovely lady escorted me back to the other end of the hospital complex, and I did my PT in mid-afternoon instead of morning.
On August 18th, I have tickets to their formal dinner and presentation, and they will be showing all the films that were taken. A nationaly known Oncologist will be among the guest speakers. Later, all the films will be available on the internet.
The last question was the best, what advice would you give? I talked it over with the interviewer, and she gave me permission to give a good plug for Prostate Cancer Screening and PSA tests. St. Francis is real big on bringing up PC on a regular basis, and they do free community screenings twice a year.
So I gave it my best shot, and hope in my own small way, that the message of screening will get out there, at least a little bit further. I believe my very last sentence in the interview, and it was concerning prostate cancer, was "with prostate cancer, what you don't know, can kill you."
When the interview is available, I will leave a link for anyone to see that is interested.
I am camera shy, and very private in real life, but I think it was a good opportunity for our cause, and for myself.
David in SC