Today is my 21st day post op. After surgery i noticed very little or no blood which i expected. When the catheter was removed at one week i was told to expect some blood off and on. NO Blood or only traces.... then a few days ago.... At about
16 days post op I began seeing medium to large blood clots in my urine at times... that wasn't so bad... Then yesterday afternoon, i started noticing that when i had to pee,,,, i would start and then it would suddenly stop,,,, i would feel pressure building inside of me like someone just clamped off the water hose.... the pressure building was very scary and then there would be an "explosion" of a blood clot (plug) and then forceful red urine spraying with high pressure.... this got worse throughout the evening each and every time i had to pee ( which now is about
every hour) I told my wife that something horrible might be wrong and feared that at any moment i would try to pee and nothing would happen but the building of pressure....and explosion inside of me,,, undoing my anastamosis.... i feared that i would end up in an E.R. and face an
open surgery today.... then, thank God, about
10pm i had to pee and it was normal again... no clot, no pressure,,, just normal peeing like a racehorse.... this continued throughout the entire day today.... all normal.... i was so scared ..... i post this just in case anyone else experiences this... and hopefully they will be assured and not panic like i did..... and i do have extensive medical knowledge.... its so easy to be unobjective when it is YOU
dr nick (dds)