Welcome ssje,
It would be interesting to know the date of the surgery and the dates for the PSA tests. It looks like there's a downward trend so perhaps it may drop to undetectable in a little while. If that is the case, even though your husband had a positive margin, he might elect to wait for radiation until there is a confirmed rise in his PSA.
With a Gleason 3 + 4 and no other negative indicators, the risk of recurrence is not all that great, provided the PSA became undetectable after surgery. Some elect to wait for further treatment until it is proven that the cancer has returned to avoid unnecessary radiation and hormone therapy. Studies show that if treatment is begun soon after a rise is detected, it is as effective as if it were done right after surgery.
Here's an article that gives more information: "Nine Decisions Before Electing RADIATION THERAPY After Radical Prostatectomy",
www.prostate-cancer.org/pcricms/sites/default/files/PDFs/Is13-2_p8-17.pdfOf course, if the PSA does not become undetectable, you would want to act quickly, as the sooner done, the better the results.
Best wishes,