Hi Guys, Happy New Year and hope that 2012 will be a better one than 2011 for all of you and ME.
I like to be ahead of the possi in general and now that i am on my 32nd day of r.therapy and have five left what happens next. I like to be prepared as much as possible for the stressors of next step?
Overqll i found the treatment so far easy but by god nobody could prepare me for the side effects - e.g. bursting to go to toilet and cant get the flow going/, the occasional expression of wind that someetimes turns out to be a hurricane, the burning sensation when my kidneys need to be emptied, BUYT do you know what I have survived and got over any embarrssment or stress that came my way, thanks to many of you friends on this forum.
When i was feeling down and so pessimistic aobut my treament I just went into the computer room and tuned into this site - this is what has kep me going to date.
Thanks to everybody on this forum, particular ly those who lresponded to my strife and anxiety over the past year and gave me to encouragmeent to keep positive. To those who highlighted their own difficulties and gave me the thump i needed when i thought i was the worse case scenario in the whole wide world.
Oh by the way I am sixty today and feel that this is going to be my year!
Thanks again and if any of you warriors can help me to understnad what to expect after my last day of therapy, etc. I'd raly appreciate it.